
DIPSOL NZ-73 is an advanced type of alkaline non cyanide zinc brightener
designed to produce excellent ductility, adhesion and maintain the integrity of the
deposit even after baking, bending and pressing. DIPSOL NZ-73 can be obtained
bright and white appearance after baking treatment.

ApplicationsZinc brightener for rack
Features●Excellent throwing power and good for backing treatment
●Wide operation window
●Whitish deposit
(Note) NZ-73 is for maintenance
ParametersZinc Metal 8-17g/L
NaOH 100-180g/L
NZ-73S 4-8mL/L
F-0529 2-4mL/L
H-0616Y 0.1-0.5mL/L
Temperature 20-30°C
Current Density 1-8A/dm2

商品名 法規情報 荷姿


劇物(毒物及び劇物取締法)  労働安全衛生法  りん含有製品  チッ素含有製品  危険物(消防法)