
DIPSOL NEW 0 is an economical, easy to use and long-life alkaline soak cleaner
which does not attack on ferrous, copper and its alloys.
It is capable of removing any kinds of oils and can be applied for the degreasing prior
to plating or/and painting.

ApplicationsCleaner for steel, copper and copper alloy
Features●Inexpensive soak cleaner
●Suitable for remove of any kind of oil such as vegetable, animal and mineral oil
ParametersConcentration 20-40g/L
Temperature 60-80˚C
Time 5-15minutes

商品名 法規情報 荷姿


劇物(毒物及び劇物取締法)  労働安全衛生法  りん含有製品  チッ素含有製品  危険物(消防法)